Payment Options
Your method of payment could impact delivery. Please read this Important ordering information.

Payment Option #1

Send me an email (andy AT and we'll arrange something. I closed down my P.O. Box. 78630-3277

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Payment Option #2

PayPal. Choose your item. Click on "Add to Cart". Choose the PayPal Option.

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Payment Option #3

Credit Card. Choose your item. Click on "Add to Cart". Choose the Secure Payment Option.

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Modifying the SkyView Pro Equatorial Mount - PDF (printable). I'll email it to you.

$ 2.20

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Red Plexiglass

Don't make your fellow astronomers angry at the next star party. Get a sheet of red plexiglass to place over your laptop screen. (Detailed information here)

Buy two and get a considerable discount. If you choose that option your cart will show a "1" in the quantity. Don't let this fool you, you WILL get two plexiglass sheets.

One - $17.95

Two - $26.95

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One or Two?


Draggable, rotatable crosshairs that will pop up on top of everything on your desktop. Excellent aid for performing a drift alignment if you have a CCD camera capable of placing a live image on your computer desktop. (Detailed information here)

StarTarg will be emailed directly to you within 24 hours of your order.

$ 19.95

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Andy's Telescope Tips and Tune-Ups CD

Detailed information here.

Allow 2 weeks delivery inside the United States. Most likely, you'll get it sooner. Orders from outside the continental US will take longer.

$ 12.95

(this price includes shipping and handling)

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ShotGlass Gallery

Detailed information here.

ShotGlass Gallery was specially designed for astrophotographers. A simple, easy way to showcase your astrophotos on the web or on your hard drive.

ShotGlass Gallery will be emailed directly to you upon purchase.

$ 14.95

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Special Offer!

Get all three!

ShotGlass Gallery
Andy's Telescope Tips and Tune-Ups CD

I'll send StarTarg and ShotGlass Gallery to your email address within one business day upon purchase. Then, your Telescope Tips and Tune-Ups CD will arrive in the mail within two weeks*.

$ 39.95

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